Introduced otherwise than by way of the intestines.
Parenterale. Plus get practice tests quizzes and personalized coaching to help you succeed. As a member you ll also get unlimited access to over 79 000 lessons in math english science history and more. Sometimes called hyperalimentation even though it does not provide. Parenteral nutrition a technique for meeting a patient s nutritional needs by means of intravenous feedings.
Physiology located outside the digestive tract. How to use parenteral in a sentence. Subcutaneous intramuscular intravenous intraperitoneal antonym. Medicine taken into the body or administered in a manner other than through the digestive tract as by intravenous or intramuscular injection.
Parenteral definition is situated or occurring outside the intestine. Medicine esp of the route by which a drug is. Parenteral pæˈrɛntərəl adj 1.