Apoplex Definition Wikipedia
This usually occurs in the presence of a tumor of the pituitary although in 80 of cases this has not been diagnosed previously.
Apoplex definition wikipedia. Apoplexy 1 an imprecise term for sudden haemorrhage as in intracerebral haemorrhage stroke see there or a massive haemorrhage into any organ or tissue. A stroke is an illness in which part of the brain loses its blood supply. The term formerly referred to what is now called a stroke. Medicine sudden diminution or loss of consciousness sensation and voluntary motion usually caused by pressure on the brain.
For example ovarian apoplexy is bleeding in the ovaries. Ein schlaganfall auch gehirnschlag hirnschlag apoplexie zerebraler insult apoplektischer insult apoplexia cerebri ictus apoplecticus veraltet schlagfluss noch älter auch mittellateinisch gutta tropfen und mittelhochdeutsch gutt umgangssprachlich schlag in der medizinischen umgangssprache häufig auch apoplex oder insult ist eine plötzlich schlagartig auftretende. Apoplex synonyms apoplex pronunciation apoplex translation english dictionary definition of apoplex. Apoplexy usually uncountable plural apoplexies medicine bleeding within internal organs and the accompanying symptoms.
Tias have the same underlying mechanism as ischemic strokes both are caused by a disruption in blood flow to the brain or cerebral blood flow cbf. From wikipedia the free encyclopedia pituitary apoplexy is bleeding into or impaired blood supply of the pituitary gland. Der apoplex eigentlich die apoplexie von altgriechisch ἀποπληξία schlag in der antike und im mittelalter für schlagartige ereignisse mit bewusstseinsverlust oder mit teilweisen lähmungserscheinungen sowie leiden des gehirns die dem körper plötzlich und unvermittelt empfindung und bewegung nimmt früher auch schlagfluss genannt ist ein medizinischer begriff für eine plötzliche durchblutungsstörung eines organs oder einer körperregion. This can happen if an artery that feeds blood to the brain gets clogged or if it tears and leaks.
A transient ischemic attack tia commonly known as a mini stroke is a brief episode of neurological dysfunction caused by loss of blood flow in the brain spinal cord or retina without tissue death. Colloquial great anger and excitement. A stroke is when there is a lack of blood flow to the brain. The term brain attack was introduced for use to underline the acute nature of stroke according to the american stroke association which has used the term since 1990 and is used colloquially to refer to both ischemic as well as hemorrhagic stroke.
Apoplexy from ancient greek ἀποπληξία apoplexia meaning a striking away is bleeding within internal organs and the accompanying symptoms. One is when there is a blood clot blocking the artery. 2 mental or psychological crisis such as a fit of extreme anger or rage.